3 events found.
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My Blood Is My Voice – Workshop Series
Hub / Garage 49 Tanner Street, LondonMY BLOOD IS MY VOICE WORKSHOP SERIES 7th Jan, 4th Feb & 3rd March 2024 Bringing the new year in with community vocal work, My Blood Is…
Donate to support Ugly Duck arts community
Hub / Garage 49 Tanner Street, LondonUgly Duck is a London based arts organisation that supports under-represented voices and emerging artists. Artists have access to subsidised rehearsal space, given them access to technical support, provide…
Uli Ap ‘Alien AI Live 3.0’
Ugly Duck 47/49 Tanner Street SE13PL, LONDONOTHERWORDLY TRANSMISSION Yellow Alien Animal Artificial and Infinite Intelligence An immersive interactive performance and disruptive installation ALIEN AI is an immersive interactive performance and disruptive installation that “breaks” and…
5£ – 10£