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Welcome to the UK

Artworks: As part of our 2024 season Tactics of Resistance we’ll be focusing in March on the politics of  VISA policies and their impact in the art and on artists through two projects.  Kicking off with Welcome to the UK on  March 15 - 17th, giving space to a curatorial group inquiring into the…

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Queer Art Projects (QAP)

Artworks: Alice Radage - Gemma Rolls-Bentley - Chris Hawkes Queer Art Projects (QAP) is led by the two artists and performers Tuna Erdem and Seda Ergul. They create and organise exhibitions, performances, screenings, talks and workshops, commissioning new work from queer artists on cutting edge contemporary issues and bringing existing work together in…

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Multi media & Multi talented artist Blanca Regina answers our questions about her amazing upcoming projects Hey Blanca, thanks for taking some time to chat with us about you and your practice. You will be doing a video mapping workshop at Ugly Duck in January 2020, I did take the class myself and really loved it…

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Carmen & Luisa told us a bit more about the first show they curated together, IRL, coming up at Ugly Duck. The awesome Carmen & Luisa AKA Carmen Vinuela and Luisa Gonzalez work predominantly in video installations, performance, sculpture, 3D animation, and collage. Their main topic of interest is how the fluid part of reality is shaped…

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Girls at Night on the Internet: The Digital Error is a collaborative project challenging patriarchal perspectives of the female experience online... We asked Tess Monro to tell us more about it. Tess Monro is the founder and director of Girls at Night on the Internet: The Digital Error, a collaborative project challenging patriarchal perspectives of…

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Sheroes comes back to Tanner Street with a crucial social exhibition, designed to draw attention to violence against women. Hi Bisila, hi Maria, I hope you are well, here at Ugly Duck we are super glad to host the third edition of Lon-art's sensational project Sheroes on November 22nd - 24th. What is Sheroes and why did you decided…

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Impermanence is back in Town! Before their evening of short works, we asked them a few questions about what they've been up to recently... Hi Josh Hi Rosie ! You have presented work at Ugly Duck a few times already, and we are super looking forward to hosting your event Impermanence Presents… An evening of short works on…

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Ugly Duck’s ground floors HUB and GARAGE are both fully accessible. The access route for wheelchair users is via the car park into the Garage. We have one fully accessible toilet. All toilets are gender neutral. There are benches and chairs accessible in the space to sit down. If you need us to help facilitate your visit to Ugly Duck please contact us at and we will do our best to help you to plan your visit. Ugly Duck is run by queer and queer “friendly” staff. All of us have basic training in inclusivity and accessibility.

Ugly Duck is a London based arts organisation that supports under-represented voices and emerging artists. 

Established in August 2012, their programme enables makers, community groups, professionals and the public to come together around unique cultural experiences and curated events.

Registered company: 08172025

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